Create a copy of the plugin_customization.ini file for backup. 创建plugincustomization.ini文件的副本作为备份。
A point-in-time copy of the source file system is created. 将创建源文件系统的一个时间点快照。
To confirm that the snapshot image was intact and that it contained a copy of the entire file system, I mounted the external snapshot to verify the image. 为了确认快照映像是完整的,而且包含整个文件系统的副本,我挂载了外部快照来验证该映像。
By this stage, you should have a new file system that contains a copy of the file system or directory that you are moving to a new file system. 此时,您应该已经拥有了一个新的文件系统,其中包含了要移动到这个新文件系统的文件系统或目录的副本。
Open the copy of the response file in a text editor. 在文本编辑器中打开响应文件的副本。
To specify your own defaults, you simply need to edit the copy of the file that will be first in the classpath. 要指定您自己的默认值,只需要编辑在类路径中的第一个副本。
So, with the failure groups defined above, each half contains one copy of the file system. 所以,对于如上定义的故障组,每半个部分都会包含文件系统的一个副本。
When you add a text file, a copy of the file is placed in the project folder. 当您添加文本文件时,此文件的副本即被放置在该项目文件夹中。
Text Saver is used for opening a text file back up at a bookmarked area. A copy of the file will be stored in the Document Workspace. 文档存档可以对一个已打开的文档文件设置书签。文件的副本存储在文档工作区中。
You should make a backup copy of the file. 你应该给档案做一份备份。
A static copy of the selected file is added to your project. 所选文件的静态副本随即将添加到该项目中。
When an offline defragmentation is performed, exchange makes a temporary copy of the database file. 执行脱机碎片整理时,exchange会生成一个数据库文件的临时副本。
A copy of the file will be stored in the document workspace. 文件的副本存储在文档工作区中。
Makes a copy of the file in a new location. 将一个文件复制到一个新的位置。
This file might not be the right file type, or it might be corrupted. Please try another copy of the file or open a different file. 此文件可能不是正确的文件类型,或者已经损坏。请尝试此文件的另一个副本或打开不同的文件。
Next time, when the newer copy of the file is compiled and added to the broker archive file, the version number is replaced by the new value. 在下一次编译该文件的更新副本并添加到代理档案文件中时,版本号就会由新的值来替代。
If you want to work on a copy of the file on your hard disk, leave the use my local Drafts folder check box selected. 如果要处理该文件在硬盘上的副本,则可使“使用本地草稿文件夹”复选框保持选中状态。
You cannot copy or move a thicket file. To change the file name or create a copy of the file, open the file and save as to a new name. 不能复制或移动丛集文件。若要更改文件名或创建文件副本,请打开该文件并以新名称另存。
If you have not save the working copy of the file, you will be in much despair. 如果您还没有保存的工作文件的副本,您将在很大的绝望。
Please re-install a copy of the above file. 请重新安装以上文件的副本。
This packaged media file has been tampered with and cannot be played. Obtain a new copy of the file with a valid license from the distributor. 该打包的媒体文件已经被篡改,无法播放。请使用发行商提供的有效证书,获取该文件的新副本。
A backup copy of the solution file cannot be created. 无法创建解决方案文件的备份副本。
Cannot find a copy of the file '% 1' in the offline cache. 在脱机缓存中找不到文件%1的副本。
In these situations, you can check in a copy of the file but keep it checked out so that you can continue working on it. 在这些情况下,可以签入文件的副本,但使文件保持签出状态,以便可以继续处理该文件。
If you want to save a copy of the file on your computer, right-click the attachment in the attached box, and then click Save as on the shortcut menu. 若要在计算机上保存文件的副本,请右键单击“附加”框中的附件,然后单击快捷菜单上的“另存为”。
This media file's Digital Rights prevent the content from being opened. Obtain a new copy of the file with valid rights. 此媒体文件的数字权利阻止了内容的播放。请通过有效的权利获取此文件的新副本。
If your library tracks both types of versions and requires content approval, checking in a minor version creates a draft copy of the file. 如果库同时跟踪两种类型的版本并要求内容审批,则签入次要版本将创建文件的草稿副本。
It may even tuck away a complete copy of the file that was retrieved, so that it can show you a diff without accessing the server. 它可以从取得的文件的整个拷贝里面大肆翻找,它不连接到服务器就能告诉你差别。
You can save an open file with a new name, but a copy of the file with the original name will still exist. 可以用新名称保存打开的文件,但具有原始名称的该文件副本仍将存在。
You can not choose a name unless you want to save a separate copy of the file. 您不能选择文件名,除非您想为该文件单独保存一个副本。